St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Let us go forth into the world in peace
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Ralph George, Bruce Steinhauer, Carol Gardner, Drew Woodruff
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Entering on Palm Sunday
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Entering on Palm Sunday
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Felix Goes to Church
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Palm Sunday procession
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Palm Sunday procession
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Pray (and bray)
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Posey & daughter
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
choir on the march
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
M.A.R.Y. Palm Sunday procession
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Tenors and Baritones
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Lenten Banner - St. Mary's Episcpal Cathedral
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Acolytes on Palm Sunday
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Pre-procession liturgy - Palm Sunday
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Palm fronds
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
The Von McIndoo Family Singers
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
The donkey (Felix) is literally about 18 times older than the boy
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Felix the Palm Sunday donkey
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Recycling bin - St. Mary's