St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Feast of Lights
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Crosses, candles....and balloons
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Feast of Lights recessional
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Bishop Sanders' visit, summer 2008
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Cathedral youth recording oral histories
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Rayner & Aubin Christopher: Rally Day 2006
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
scouts honor
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Girls basketball team
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Youth folk mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
youth folk mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
singing with Dean Sanders
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Future Bishop in the choir
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
youth ushers 1960s
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Folk Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
DYC presenters, post-presentation
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
DYC presenters, post-presentation
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Palm Sunday
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Memphis Boychoir
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Lenten Banner - St. Mary's Episcpal Cathedral
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Pre-procession liturgy - Palm Sunday
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Your humble cathedral photo curator on the Wolf River
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Hunter Gossett and Martha Ann Gossett
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
SMC on the Wolf - 2
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
SMC on the Wolf - 1
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Halloween Carnival SMC - 64
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Christmas Eve Children's Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Thurifers - 2
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Silent Auction - Parish Picnic 2010 - 1
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Movie night
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis:
Feast of Lights, back in the day