St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Richard Hines, first dean of St. Mary's Cathedral
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: early 20th Century deans
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: singing with Dean Sanders
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean Sanders performs marriage
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean Bill Dimmick, early 1960s
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: former dean Frank Cooper visits
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: must have been the scary part of the story
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean Andrews' installation
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: End of service, Palm Sunday 2008
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: L-R: Buddy Chapman, Dean Andy Andrews, a quarter-acre of stained glass, Ellen and Tom Prewitt, somebody's green purse
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Palm Sunday generations
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: The Andrews move to Midtown
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Sitting (squatting) for a Nadia Strid portrait
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean DelBene turns over cathedral keys to Dean Andrews
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean Andy Andrews and family
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean Israel Harding Noe
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean William Evan Sanders (later Bishop)
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean James Craik Morris
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean William A. Dimmick 1960
St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral - Memphis: Dean Andy Andrews, end of Convention 2009