stjerne: garden behind bars
stjerne: Tree Tops and Blue Sky
stjerne: Maccaw
stjerne: The levels
stjerne: Through the gate
stjerne: Reflected tree
stjerne: Heron on the levels
stjerne: Swans on the levels
stjerne: gate and steps
stjerne: red and green
stjerne: formal to medows
stjerne: bed of thyme
stjerne: clematis tower
stjerne: bog garden
stjerne: wild gardens
stjerne: window and wisteria
stjerne: looking to the house
stjerne: view to the dove cote
stjerne: crane in the trees
stjerne: heron nesting in the tree tops
stjerne: nesting heron
stjerne: heron
stjerne: Heron in the tree tops
stjerne: dashes in flight
stjerne: evening light on the levels
stjerne: evening sky on the levels
stjerne: Full moon over the levels
stjerne: Pomegranate embroidery
stjerne: Stained Glass
stjerne: autumn road on the hills