helen lawless: Tired Bumble Bee
helen lawless: Flickr moth
helen lawless: Bumble bee and Buddleia
helen lawless: Nursery-web spider Pisaura mirabilis
helen lawless: Mother on Guard
helen lawless: Common Scorpion fly Panorpa communis (female)
helen lawless: Garden Cross Spider (Araneus diadematus)
helen lawless: Garden Cross Spider (Araneus diadematus) with Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris)
helen lawless: Large Garden Spider
helen lawless: Shieldbug nymph
helen lawless: Hungry Spider
helen lawless: Common Field Grasshopper(Chorthippus brunneus) male
helen lawless: dancing caterpillars
helen lawless: Love among the Lady's Mantle
helen lawless: So Happy ~ ~ ~
helen lawless: Such a good model.....
helen lawless: Peacock butterfly
helen lawless: Borage and Bumblebees on Summer Solstice Eve
helen lawless: Coming in~Going out
helen lawless: hummingbird hawk moth
helen lawless: Red Admiral
helen lawless: ~ * * ~
helen lawless: New Born