stitchling: Gunnar testing his new toy
stitchling: Gunnar and small tree
stitchling: Let's try a bigger one
stitchling: Gunnar the lumberjack
stitchling: CS tidying up his tree
stitchling: Manly tree-pushing
stitchling: Future bonfire
stitchling: Future firewood
stitchling: Studying Norrbyn-style
stitchling: Svartsjön
stitchling: Svartsjön
stitchling: Svartsjön
stitchling: No one told her it is for adults so then it must be for her
stitchling: Silje Helene
stitchling: Removing some land
stitchling: Digging the firepit
stitchling: I made a hole and found some rock
stitchling: Building fireplace
stitchling: New fireplace, soon done
stitchling: Carl Stefan with his new fire
stitchling: Mikael
stitchling: Josefin, Annica and Silje Helene
stitchling: Annica
stitchling: Carl Stefan
stitchling: Weee!
stitchling: The house has a corridor
stitchling: The water pump house
stitchling: I'm digging to plant carrots
stitchling: More digging
stitchling: Medieval children working