stitchling: I clearly need a tame biologist
stitchling: I think I kept the right plants
stitchling: Emil has planted some weeds
stitchling: Easiest part done
stitchling: Emil told me I could plant something
stitchling: Emils plants looked yellow so I put water on them... I'm really not a gardener though.
stitchling: Future plants
stitchling: Dungen
stitchling: Dungen
stitchling: Dungen
stitchling: Dungen
stitchling: Dungen
stitchling: Dungen
stitchling: Giving the berries some space
stitchling: EOS building an urban greenhouse in Ålidhem
stitchling: EOS building an urban greenhouse in Ålidhem
stitchling: EOS building an urban greenhouse in Ålidhem
stitchling: Urban garden at Odontologstråket in umeå
stitchling: Urban garden at Odontologstråket in umeå
stitchling: Ålidhems stadsodling
stitchling: Ålidhems stadsodling
stitchling: Ålidhems stadsodling
stitchling: Ålidhems stadsodling
stitchling: Ålidhems stadsodling