stitchling: Experimenting with light and water
stitchling: Experimenting with shadow
stitchling: Experimenting with light
stitchling: Experimenting with light and water
stitchling: Experimenting with shadow
stitchling: Experimenting with light and water
stitchling: Group eight stole all our lamps
stitchling: Ice-water-steam
stitchling: Broken
stitchling: Group eight stole all our lamps
stitchling: Close-up on the work of the small metal spider
stitchling: Heating water in paper
stitchling: Disco in a bucket of water
stitchling: Experimenting with ice and light
stitchling: Big metal spider found some ice...
stitchling: Web stalactite
stitchling: Set table
stitchling: Göran making adjustments
stitchling: Sketch showing our idea
stitchling: Showing the invisible
stitchling: Set table
stitchling: Showing the invisble
stitchling: Symphony of Light
stitchling: Computer conspiracy
stitchling: Richard
stitchling: Wall with candles
stitchling: Our spider web stalactites
stitchling: Our spider web stalactites