stitchling: At the "Tipi"-camp outside Lycksele
stitchling: kiosk
stitchling: The evil indians captured a scout
stitchling: Scoutcamp taxi
stitchling: At the "Tipi"-camp outside Lycksele
stitchling: Any way of learning new knots is a good way
stitchling: The rover camp at Ransberg -97
stitchling: Danish scouting
stitchling: Summer night in southern Sweden somewhere
stitchling: Enthusiastic rocker missing his guitar
stitchling: Hiking in Värmland -92
stitchling: Scoutcamp taxi
stitchling: Early morning at Möt´mä -92
stitchling: Scouts building things
stitchling: Hiking in Värmland -92
stitchling: Hiking in Värmland -92
stitchling: Happy scouts at Ransberg -97
stitchling: Danich scouts burning a witch
stitchling: I am guarding a field at the national jamboree Trerixöset -99
stitchling: Sommaräng -93
stitchling: Sommaräng -93
stitchling: Me at a scoutcamp in 1994
stitchling: I'm representing the patrol "three feathers"
stitchling: Twin smurf scouts
stitchling: Ransberg
stitchling: Trerixöset -99
stitchling: Trerixöset -99
stitchling: Trerixöset -99
stitchling: Trerixöset -99
stitchling: Trerixöset -99