stitchling: Finnish Karelia
stitchling: Finnish Karelia
stitchling: Finnish lake
stitchling: Lenin
stitchling: I was immidiatly charmed...
stitchling: Driving past housing blocks
stitchling: Backyard
stitchling: We found a museum in a small village
stitchling: We found a museum in a small village
stitchling: We found a museum in a small village
stitchling: We found a museum in a small village
stitchling: We found a museum in a small village
stitchling: We found a museum in a small village
stitchling: Museum house
stitchling: Museum's neighbour
stitchling: Drining fast through village
stitchling: Karelian brick was frequently used to make buildings less boring for no extra money
stitchling: Russian energy drinks
stitchling: Zara
stitchling: Tiny village where we spent the night
stitchling: Tiny village where we spent the night
stitchling: Tiny village where we spent the night
stitchling: Tiny village where we spent the night
stitchling: Village school
stitchling: 3rd grade
stitchling: Tiny village where we spent the night
stitchling: Tiny village where we spent the night
stitchling: Information in school
stitchling: Tiny village where we spent the night
stitchling: Tiny village where we spent the night