Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Voigtlander 50mm f2 APO
fishyfish_arcade: Beyond the sea
Ken Cheng Photography: Smoky Air From Washington State (Granville Street/Downtown Vancouver)
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Nikon FE2 SLR Portrait
KarlHab: Joelle Portrait
steve-jack: focus
Ian Johnston on the Isle of Wight: "Undercover beach huts..."
SmittyNC: Volkswagen Beetle in San Francisco
niko**: *Alfama district.
Fistfulofpowder: Nikon N2020 / Rollei Retro 80s.
grady_var: Allberia
haco-otoko: RZ67
**mog**: semi-freddo
axlemasa: Reflection
hase.roundmidnight: 12L-MX_Ilford HP5+ push2stop1600 Rodinal
whootzs: London, B&W Doggy ... 2019 5 2 (8)
photosweeney: Call Me?
fishyfish_arcade: FILM - Equine phonebox spy
doublecappuccino: enjoy relax life
fishyfish_arcade: FILM - Look North (west)
LUX_FECIT: 35mm Portrait
Andy-Clifford: Untitled
Vytas B: On West 31st Street
Raf Ferreira: First test with my large format camera
Marie Ilford: L'homme au journal - Paris, 2013
Baptiste Bernon: Waiting For Pizza