j/bimages: The Lakehouse
Chris Ldc: Musée du sucre d'orge - Moret sur Loing (onExplore)
holdinghausenm: Füssen Lechfall - a winterday
Gert-Paassen: _dsc1025 Niersen / Estate of Crown
Terry Carew: Five Little Turtle Doves
rmiro: Ponta de São Lourenço
Gérard & Françoise: 10.27.21.Le Lac du Bourget (France)
didier95: Soleil hivernal en Laponie
RJSchutDigitaal: Bruine glazenmaker - Brown Hawker - Braune Mosaikjungfer - Aeshna grandis
excellentzebu1050: Farm mouse catcher
thanks 4 comments and faves.: The super storm..gold coast..explored
cmescamilla: American Redstart_MG_0014 edt Next
grannie annie taggs: Patterns from above
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Chalk Hill Blue - Polyommatus coridon 270724 (3)
dironzafrancesco: autumn .)2010/5140-13
excellentzebu1050: Sweetie Sascha
1krispy1: Reakirt's Blue (Echinargus isola)
grannie annie taggs: The Warburton Groove
Patrick Blondel: Aigrette garzette - Egretta garzetta - Little egret
Jambo Jambo: Fenicotteri al chiaro di luna - Flamingos in the moonlight
ChicagoBob46: Almost ready to fledge
Zev790: House Wren
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Garden Cross Spider - Araneus diadematus 270824
serge05lenoyer: Un moyen nacré ailes déployées.
Mobile Lynn: Red Squirrel 901_7867.jpg