@stills: taormina
@stills: hostel in catania
@stills: fountain in catania
@stills: view from mt etna
@stills: me on etna
@stills: mt etna's crater
@stills: siracusa's piazza archimede
@stills: dionysus' ear
@stills: me at the amphitheatre
@stills: siracusa's roman ampitheatre
@stills: more of the ampitheatre
@stills: noto
@stills: the view from noto's belltower
@stills: me on the roof
@stills: ragusa ibla
@stills: ragusa ibla from ragusa superiore
@stills: standing in front of the chasm
@stills: procession for ragusa's patron saint
@stills: more of the procession
@stills: a float in the celebration
@stills: more san giorgio celebration
@stills: ragusa's cathedral
@stills: the view from enna
@stills: at the castello di lombardia in enna
@stills: view of enna from the castle
@stills: mosaics in piazza armerina
@stills: animal mosaics in piazza armerina
@stills: more mosaics
@stills: salle delle dieci ragazze
@stills: more mosaics