still.reflections: Flying Air Asia
still.reflections: 'International' Plane food on Air Asia
still.reflections: KUL airport, just landed
still.reflections: Durian Ice Kacang
still.reflections: Unofficial bus stop
still.reflections: Sunway Lagoon Park
still.reflections: Dried fish snacks
still.reflections: Thick yellow line
still.reflections: Steamboat in the Cameron Highlands
still.reflections: Strawberry twin
still.reflections: Lift Platform
still.reflections: Colourful food court
still.reflections: Our tour bus
still.reflections: Mount Brinchang at 6666ft high
still.reflections: View from the top
still.reflections: Observation tower
still.reflections: Highlands Landscape
still.reflections: Man vs Nature
still.reflections: Forest Boardwalk
still.reflections: Boh tea mascot
still.reflections: Boh factory
still.reflections: School bus
still.reflections: Tea plantations
still.reflections: Tea plantations
still.reflections: Afternoon tea with a view
still.reflections: Boh Tea Centre