Still Burning: Peaches at 9 weeks old
Still Burning: The New Addition To My House!!
Still Burning: Peaches
Still Burning: Peaches
Still Burning: Misty
Still Burning: Misty & Peaches
Still Burning: Peaches likes my hair dryer
Still Burning: Misty being brave and venturing out a little
Still Burning: Peaches playing with the bath mat
Still Burning: Old Skool Kittens
Still Burning: Peaches in the cat carrier
Still Burning: Peaches and Misty, respectively
Still Burning: Intrigued by meee
Still Burning: Peaches being adventurous
Still Burning: Old Skool Kittens
Still Burning: Peaches!
Still Burning: Closeup of Peaches
Still Burning: Peaches being adorable
Still Burning: Old Skool Kittens
Still Burning: Peaches guarding my brother's laptop
Still Burning: Kitten paws!!
Still Burning: Comparing Size
Still Burning: She likes it on top of the laptop
Still Burning: Peaches is a darling
Still Burning: Peaches en profile
Still Burning: Peaches some more
Still Burning: More kitten paws!
Still Burning: Peaches posing!
Still Burning: Entertained by a piece of string
Still Burning: Misty tentatively joining in