stickotopia: DSC00939
stickotopia: Lots of caterpillars. Alnmouth Aug 2010
stickotopia: June 2009
stickotopia: Invader Harlequin Ladybird
stickotopia: Sparkley Webs - close up
stickotopia: Busy Bee II
stickotopia: _DSC4636
stickotopia: Long Deans Nature Reserve after the Rain 30 July 2013
stickotopia: Long Deans Nature Reserve after the Rain 30 July 2013
stickotopia: Long Deans Nature Reserve after the Rain 31 July 2013
stickotopia: Butterfly World
stickotopia: Butterfly World - Owl caterpillar
stickotopia: Butterfly world - HUGE Atlas Moth 10 - 12 inches across
stickotopia: 'Geroff... I was 'ere first'.
stickotopia: All for one and one for all...
stickotopia: _DSC5364 (3)
stickotopia: _DSC5327 (1)
stickotopia: Snails - all sizes
stickotopia: Frosty Day Amersham Dec 2010
stickotopia: snail inverted3
stickotopia: Feeding the Bee
stickotopia: orange snail