RTWL: DSC02232
RTWL: Gerry, wild man of Rawk
RTWL: DSC02244
RTWL: The Wild Man of Rock
RTWL: DSC02242
RTWL: DSC02241
RTWL: DSC02240
RTWL: DSC02239
RTWL: Who is this Eavis fellow anyway?
RTWL: DSC02237
RTWL: Careful with that axe, Eugene
RTWL: DSC02235
RTWL: DSC02234
RTWL: DSC02233
RTWL: DSC02232
RTWL: DSC02231
RTWL: DSC02230
RTWL: DSC02229
RTWL: DSC02228
RTWL: DSC02227
RTWL: DSC02226
RTWL: Would you mind holding my pint?
RTWL: DSC02224
RTWL: DSC02223
RTWL: Simon and Garfunkel. No, really.
RTWL: DSC02221
RTWL: Fire. Innit.
RTWL: DSC02219
RTWL: DSC02218
RTWL: DSC02217