StickerGiant: Weighing in at 87.6 pounds
StickerGiant: Saul coming in at 95.4 pounds today
StickerGiant: Saul coming in at 95.4 pounds today
StickerGiant: Saul coming in at 95.4 pounds today
StickerGiant: Saul coming in at 95.4 pounds today
StickerGiant: Saul the StickerBall getting some closes ups today and weighing in at 99lbs
StickerGiant: Saul the StickerBall getting some closes ups today and weighing in at 99lbs
StickerGiant: Saul the StickerBall getting some closes ups today and weighing in at 99lbs
StickerGiant: Saul the StickerBall getting some closes ups today and weighing in at 99lbs
StickerGiant: Saul the StickerBall getting some closes ups today and weighing in at 99lbs
StickerGiant: 123.4 pounds
StickerGiant: Saul's Birth
StickerGiant: The Start of the Largest Sticker Ball
StickerGiant: It's just a few stickers
StickerGiant: Perspective to a stool
StickerGiant: John working on Saul
StickerGiant: Only a few more wraps of stickers on the original
StickerGiant: Behold the StickerBall has taken shape
StickerGiant: Saul has grown on the stool
StickerGiant: Saul in a box of stickers
StickerGiant: Out of the box
StickerGiant: Day 4 - 8.8 lbs
StickerGiant: Day 5 - 9.2 lbs
StickerGiant: Day 7 - 9.8 lbs
StickerGiant: Day 7 - 9.8 lbs
StickerGiant: Day 8 - 10.2 lbs
StickerGiant: 11/15 stickering in progress
StickerGiant: 11/16 Weigh in 33.6 lbs
StickerGiant: It's a political ball
StickerGiant: Weigh in on 11/17/2015 at 34.4 pounds