St. George's School: Yule Night Program Inside Cover 12 18 30
St. George's School: Yule Night Program Cover 12 17 1963
St. George's School: Vermillion James Christmas Festival Rehearsal 1960s
St. George's School: Students Singing Chapel Service 1963
St. George's School: Students leaving chapel in snow 1964-65
St. George's School: Students in snow Lance 1964
St. George's School: Story of the Shepherd handwritten music
St. George's School: Snowy campus undated
St. George's School: Shepherds in Hallway 1963
St. George's School: Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Program 1986
St. George's School: Rehearsal, mid 1960's Hoyt
St. George's School: Red and White Cover Christmas Number 12 15 1908
St. George's School: Procession of Plum Pudding handwritten music
St. George's School: Preston Herbert Festival Founder 1913 Diman
St. George's School: Paper Company Ad RW 12 6 1924
St. George's School: Mummers' Play St. Zane c1982
St. George's School: Mummers' Play rehearsal 1960s
St. George's School: Mummers' Play characters Dragon Christmas 1927
St. George's School: Mummers' Play Buell era duPont
St. George's School: Merrick Christmas Card 1931 Taffinder
St. George's School: King Proceeds 1960s
St. George's School: King Hall Head Table 12 18 1924
St. George's School: King Hall Faculty Children sing late 90s
St. George's School: King Hall Faculty Children sing 2000
St. George's School: King Hall Carol Sing Mercer book 1996
St. George's School: King Hall Boar's Head procession undated
St. George's School: Jester's Feast Procession drawing RW 12 20 1927
St. George's School: Jester Dragon graphic Dragon 12 19 35
St. George's School: Jester 1963
St. George's School: Jester 1960s