The Grandwazoo: Untitled
The Grandwazoo: Another pic taken from my hammock
The Grandwazoo: Washing in Tad Lo
The Grandwazoo: Hello at home!
The Grandwazoo: The view from my bungalow
The Grandwazoo: My bungalow in Don Det
The Grandwazoo: Back from school
The Grandwazoo: Hopeless in paradise
The Grandwazoo: No comment
The Grandwazoo: Uh..! I got lost again
The Grandwazoo: The wave
The Grandwazoo: I saw these sunsets for two weeks
The Grandwazoo: Water buffalo transport
The Grandwazoo: Let's see what is on the other island
The Grandwazoo: The road into the island.
The Grandwazoo: Back to the monastery.
The Grandwazoo: No picture can catch the amazing sunsets in Don Det.
The Grandwazoo: Saibadee Farang
The Grandwazoo: Lào Láo Wiskhey
The Grandwazoo: Washing #2
The Grandwazoo: Under the Mosquito net
The Grandwazoo: Easy Rider on the Bolaven Plateau