No one wants to see pictures of me studying: Orange line from Midway to Western Bus to Wicker Park
No one wants to see pictures of me studying: Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
No one wants to see pictures of me studying: I have more pictures of this man on the phone...
No one wants to see pictures of me studying: Haole took this one. I love it.
No one wants to see pictures of me studying: He comes alive when he gets technical.
No one wants to see pictures of me studying: I don't care what you say, she was spellbinding.
No one wants to see pictures of me studying: Akmal finds ways to block the sun. He tried next to cover his arms in this manner.
No one wants to see pictures of me studying: Of Montreal, how I love you!
No one wants to see pictures of me studying: What in god's name is Kevin Barnes up to?