Science and Technology Facilities Council: The LHCb magnet. 2008, Courtesy of CERN.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: View from inside the LHCb cavern. 2008, Courtesy of CERN.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: The LHCb detector. Courtesy of Kathleen Yurkewicz.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: The LHCb beam pipe and the people that worked on it. 2007, Courtesy of CERN.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: The CMS detector before closure in 2008. Courtesy of CERN.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: The CMS Cavern in February 2009. Courtesy of CERN.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: ECAL supermodules installed in one side of CMS. 2007, Courtesy of CERN.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: First half of the CMS inner tracking barrel. 2006, Courtesy of CERN.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: Installation of the ATLAS pixel detector into the cavern. 2007, Courtesy of CERN.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: A few members of the Silicon Pixel Detector working on the completed first half barrel. 2007. Courtesy of CERN.
Science and Technology Facilities Council: Repairs being made in March 2009 to the damaged section of the LHC. 2009, Courtesy of CERN.