Ste Wilson: This way
Ste Wilson: Hiroshima Castle
Ste Wilson: Peace memorial.
Ste Wilson: In memory I
Ste Wilson: In Memory I
Ste Wilson: In Memory II
Ste Wilson: Big Issue.
Ste Wilson: After
Ste Wilson: Before
Ste Wilson: Big ball
Ste Wilson: Lets get spherical
Ste Wilson: Me at the memorial
Ste Wilson: In Memory
Ste Wilson: Grave
Ste Wilson: This is where it landed.
Ste Wilson: The A Bomb building
Ste Wilson: The A Bomb building
Ste Wilson: The A Bomb building
Ste Wilson: Bullet time
Ste Wilson: Green Streets
Ste Wilson: Temples I
Ste Wilson: Temples II
Ste Wilson: Temples III
Ste Wilson: Temples IV
Ste Wilson: Temples V
Ste Wilson: Temples VI
Ste Wilson: Temples VII
Ste Wilson: Temples VIII
Ste Wilson: Temples IX
Ste Wilson: Temples X