stewickie: Pokhara, Nepal Shivaratri
stewickie: Liz , Tom, Vickie, and Edgar Ronin (Poe): Day 1
stewickie: Vickie and Edgar Ronin (Poe): Day 1
stewickie: Safely at home with Grandma Vickie: Day 4
stewickie: Becky and Vickie
stewickie: Vickie on Deck, summer 2002
stewickie: Downtown Seattle Walk
stewickie: Morning Walk with Vickie
stewickie: Mom and Vickie at the Top
stewickie: Jeff, Mom, and Vickie
stewickie: Family Get-Together
stewickie: Sandra's Storytelling
stewickie: Why I hate posed pictures
stewickie: WebCam Vickie
stewickie: Vickie Brushing Bees
stewickie: Edgar Helping Grr Prepare for Marshmallow Roasting
stewickie: Vickie(Grr) and Edgar....The Ducks First Foray Outdoors
stewickie: July morning on an ocean beach
stewickie: Swinging With Grandma
stewickie: Harrison Asher with Gir
stewickie: Tennis... Child on a Dinosaur... What...
stewickie: Lick the Dinosaur
stewickie: The Meeting at Dinosaur Ridge
stewickie: Vee and Lauren at the Denver Art Museum
stewickie: Father Don, Brother Michael, Nephew JJ, and Vee
stewickie: Jeff, Michael, Don, and Vee
stewickie: Sis-in-law Sandra, Baby brother Jeff, Nephew JJ, Father Don, Middle brother Michael, and Vee
stewickie: Uncle Spencer, Vee, Mother Sue, Stepfather James, and Aunt Jo
stewickie: 70s
stewickie: Party Time