Stew B2009: Spirit of America
Stew B2009: Colors
Stew B2009: Drill Team
Stew B2009: Drill Team
Stew B2009: Drill Team
Stew B2009: Korea
Stew B2009: U.S Army Drill Team
Stew B2009: IMG_0234
Stew B2009: Normandy
Stew B2009: Vietnam
Stew B2009: Revolutionary war
Stew B2009: IMG_0094
Stew B2009: IMG_0095
Stew B2009: U.S. Army Fife and Drum Corp
Stew B2009: Purple Heart
Stew B2009: U.S. Army Fife and Drum
Stew B2009: U.S. Army Fife and Drum
Stew B2009: Singing
Stew B2009: Final Review
Stew B2009: P9110239