stewartesmith: Oldest bridge in Australia
stewartesmith: feeding the ducks
stewartesmith: from under the bridge
stewartesmith: under the bridge
stewartesmith: rock on the beach
stewartesmith: driftwood
stewartesmith: powerful clouds
stewartesmith: relaxing
stewartesmith: feeding
stewartesmith: First of the last Kodachrome
stewartesmith: big package of processed kodachrome arrived
stewartesmith: RAVE WOODY
stewartesmith: towering flowers
stewartesmith: through the wall
stewartesmith: directions
stewartesmith: Early Morning
stewartesmith: Monorail and the man at night
stewartesmith: Early morning on Playa
stewartesmith: Balloon Sunrise
stewartesmith: Morning Temple
stewartesmith: here comes the sun
stewartesmith: mannequin
stewartesmith: Beatings will continue until morale improves