Steven John Bond: Dani Kua gets dumped in the snow by friends
Steven John Bond: Local PE teacher Chris Ball chills out
Steven John Bond: Dave Erasmus and Alex Ball team up
Steven John Bond: Leatherhead youth worker Alex Ball flies across the snow
Steven John Bond: Marketing professional Simon Kelly gets some air time - friends look on
Steven John Bond: Local businessman Dave Erasmus gains momentum
Steven John Bond: Youths line up to race down Box Hill - Leatherhead versus Dorking
Steven John Bond: Alex Ball and Dave Erasmus sport their high vis snow attire
Steven John Bond: Alex Ball attacked by housemate Jenny Greenland
Steven John Bond: Chris Ball attacks brother Alex in Albany Park Road, Leatherhead
Steven John Bond: Oliver Hall hitches a ride on a Tesco lorry
Steven John Bond: Leatherhead professionals take some time off to battle in the snow
Steven John Bond: Local handyman Mike Moore goes on a snowball rampage
Steven John Bond: Michael Moore and Dani Kua attempt snow angels
Steven John Bond: Dani takes a tumble - Jenny Greenland, Dani Kua, Alex Ball
Steven John Bond: Luke Williams pulls a back flip on the road to Dorking - Simon Jefferis and sister Steph look on
Steven John Bond: Leatherhead locals pose en route to Box Hill
Steven John Bond: Traffic at a gridlock on the road to Dorking
Steven John Bond: Leatherhead youth worker Alex Ball prepares a snow ball
Steven John Bond: Chris Ball - Leatherhead - takes cover under a tree during a snowball fight
Steven John Bond: Alex Ball and Simon Jefferis journey up to Box Hill
Steven John Bond: Dorking students look on - Alec Donnely, Amy Dunlop Ryan Shanley and George Goodburn
Steven John Bond: Dorking student known as Smurf manages to surf the car bonnet
Steven John Bond: Amanda Alldis gets the hang of it
Steven John Bond: Michael Alldis lends a hand to his struggling wife (3)
Steven John Bond: Michael Alldis lends a hand to his struggling wife (2)
Steven John Bond: Michael Alldis lends a hand to his struggling wife
Steven John Bond: Amanda Alldis - Lucy's mother attempts a go (2)
Steven John Bond: Amanda Alldis - Lucy's mother attempts a go
Steven John Bond: Lucy Alldis - Crawley - learns to board and has a mishap