Steve Attwood: Pateke drake - Brown teal - Anas aucklandica
Steve Attwood: Pateke drake - Brown teal - Anas aucklandica
Steve Attwood: Pateke - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke duckling - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis.
Steve Attwood: Pateke duckling - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis.
Steve Attwood: Pateke duckling - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis.
Steve Attwood: Pateke duckling - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis.
Steve Attwood: Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: A rare sight - nest of the Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: A rare sight - nest of the Pateke - Brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis
Steve Attwood: Pateke (drake) - brown teal - Anas chlorotis