Steve in Dublin: My favorite #skyline.
Steve in Dublin: Downtown
Steve in Dublin: #BikeNYC
Steve in Dublin: Long way home. #BikeNYC
Steve in Dublin: Turner painting fever dream bonfire sky over 9th st. My eyes melted, my heart exploded.
Steve in Dublin: Standing taller than the Freedom Tower. #Kentile #DailyKentile
Steve in Dublin: Twilight approacheth. #Kentile
Steve in Dublin: "Who's buried in Grant's Tomb?"
Steve in Dublin: Birds eye butler.
Steve in Dublin: 22nd st b/w 7th & 8th, looking south.
Steve in Dublin: Red Hook Sunset
Steve in Dublin: Red Hook Sunset
Steve in Dublin: Cliffside
Steve in Dublin: Mean streets
Steve in Dublin: Another day at the office.
Steve in Dublin: #habermas
Steve in Dublin: ❄️⛄️⛄️❄️
Steve in Dublin: #Homecoming, y'all! #Roaree
Steve in Dublin: Firelight
Steve in Dublin: #Skyline
Steve in Dublin: Imperial
Steve in Dublin: The canyon
Steve in Dublin: Eagle Clothes
Steve in Dublin: Yesterday's manhattan sunset was crazy, right?