wanderunghike: Tree on Pt. Grey Foreshore hike
wanderunghike: Building on my way to work by bike.
wanderunghike: The old Dayton boot sign.
wanderunghike: WV Carmengia.
wanderunghike: Out of season shot of what can be one of the best blossom locations in Burnaby.
wanderunghike: Church on Dunsmuir.
wanderunghike: New building near BC Place
wanderunghike: Coquitlam Crunch in rain.
wanderunghike: How most Vancuverites felt about winter this year.
wanderunghike: My good-bye lunch at Microserve
wanderunghike: Odd antique shop on 4th and Main
wanderunghike: What is with the shoes?
wanderunghike: My last day as TSM in Microserve
wanderunghike: A poor start tot he blossom year - Burrard Skytrain.
wanderunghike: Blown Glass ray guns at YVR
wanderunghike: Photo of the Day, 2017
wanderunghike: View for Sky Tower in Auckland
wanderunghike: Mt. Eden Park - Auckland NZ
wanderunghike: Raglan, New Zealand
wanderunghike: Tongariro Northern Circuit
wanderunghike: Tongariro Northern Circuit
wanderunghike: Sunrise at Oturere Hut
wanderunghike: Tongariro Northern Circuit
wanderunghike: Wellington
wanderunghike: Abel Tasman National Park
wanderunghike: Paparoa NP (Pancake Rocks)
wanderunghike: Paparoa NP (Pancake Rocks)
wanderunghike: Edwin Fox Museum, Picton