wanderunghike: Eaton Lake collection
wanderunghike: Kevin playing Jesus in the light.
wanderunghike: Beth crossing a long in place of the broken bridge.
wanderunghike: Yet another log crossing.
wanderunghike: Log crossing.
wanderunghike: "Cresecent Lake Old Rimers 1960"
wanderunghike: The lake itself.
wanderunghike: Eaton Lake
wanderunghike: Vivid green on the slide.
wanderunghike: We thought WE had bug problems. War is hell.
wanderunghike: Some people just aren't nature lovers.
wanderunghike: "No sir, no airstike needed, just calling to say we bagged Eaton lake!"
wanderunghike: "Johnson, you take point!"
wanderunghike: Slippery log bridges.
wanderunghike: Beth balancing on the log.
wanderunghike: Cascading waterfalls