Steve Taylor (Photography): Swollen Thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis)
Steve Taylor (Photography): Green Swollen Thighed Beetle
Steve Taylor (Photography): A spider waiting for a fly
Steve Taylor (Photography): Tattered and torn
Steve Taylor (Photography): Nice legs, shame about the face!
Steve Taylor (Photography): Must have a shower when I get back
Steve Taylor (Photography): Nearly eaten all of my greens, Mum
Steve Taylor (Photography): Let me in! I wouldn't hurt a fly
Steve Taylor (Photography): Caught like a fly In a web of your lies
Steve Taylor (Photography): It is all behind me now
Steve Taylor (Photography): Like what I have done with the place?
Steve Taylor (Photography): Black Ant on Green
Steve Taylor (Photography): The Proud Butterfly
Steve Taylor (Photography): Little and Large
Steve Taylor (Photography): Incy Wincy Spiders Make Big Holes
Steve Taylor (Photography): I feel oh so tired
Steve Taylor (Photography): Looking out for Fly Guys
Steve Taylor (Photography): The Royal Butterfly
Steve Taylor (Photography): An Invitation to Dinner
Steve Taylor (Photography): Allow 4 hours drying Time
Steve Taylor (Photography): The Lesser Jumping Spider of Neptune