Stevesworldofphotos: Ceremony of waters dancers
Stevesworldofphotos: Ceremonia Chalchiutlicue
Stevesworldofphotos: Ceremony of waters conchs
Stevesworldofphotos: Swiss chard
Stevesworldofphotos: Pink rose blossom
Stevesworldofphotos: Stella D'Oro
Stevesworldofphotos: Rose cluster
Stevesworldofphotos: Variegation
Stevesworldofphotos: Rose in the morning sun
Stevesworldofphotos: Row of sweet williams in the morning sun
Stevesworldofphotos: Sweet Williams
Stevesworldofphotos: Backyard in early July
Stevesworldofphotos: Rose from the side
Stevesworldofphotos: Rose straight on
Stevesworldofphotos: Rose abstract
Stevesworldofphotos: Inside the rose
Stevesworldofphotos: Clematis spider
Stevesworldofphotos: Abstract Stella
Stevesworldofphotos: Inside the rose
Stevesworldofphotos: Macrolicious Stella D'Oro
Stevesworldofphotos: Powderhorn Park in the gloaming
Stevesworldofphotos: Moonrise over Powderhorn Park
Stevesworldofphotos: Crusts for the pies
Stevesworldofphotos: The stuff of pecan pie
Stevesworldofphotos: Kissing on Thanksgiving
Stevesworldofphotos: Grilled turkey
Stevesworldofphotos: Top of the pecan pie
Stevesworldofphotos: Pecan pie coming out of the oven
Stevesworldofphotos: Almost looks like pie