Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Dad wake up man...
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Getting into Character
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
nuff said
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Blue Jay
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
If all else fails.....
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Christmas in September
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Anticlimactic response
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
hey boss das plane
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Jumping for Joy
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Daypass for the Rodent
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Hanging @ the Library
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Comes sooner and sooner every year
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Mom being a kid.....
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Photographers everywhere
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Merry Go Round
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Boxer Card
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Apple Treat
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Last chance to Dance
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Great Balls of Fire Batman
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Zoned out in her world.
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Chicken of the Woods
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Polly Pockets
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
BumbleBee Drone
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Nikon Vintage Bokeh
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
1928 Ford Model A
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell:
Ducky Nikkor 135