Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Cinderelly lost a slipper.
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: “I think you’re pretty tough, don’t I?!”
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Cyanocitta cristata
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Christmas Wreath Hideaway
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Baltimore oriole
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: PhotoWalk with the club
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Eastern cottontail
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: She's so purdy.
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Roof top Squatters
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Somethings Watching Me
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Can never get enough of this Bird
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Pool opening day
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Frankenmuth, Michigan
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Tis the Season
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: There's fungus among us
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: I almost stepped on him
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Hidden Hummingbird
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Baltimore Oriole
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Male Red-Winged Blackbird
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Northern Cardinal Eggs
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Kermitt took the day off.
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Thunder and Lightning
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: We are all #1....
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Cemetery Iris
Trevor Wickham-Foxwell: Grandma's Strawberry Rhubarb pie