stevesobczuk: Jerry Lee Lewis's stage suit, tailored by Nudie Cohn of Hollywood Ca.
stevesobczuk: Neon sign for Poplar Tunes, memphis Original Record Shop
stevesobczuk: Stax Records neon sign, Memphis
stevesobczuk: Sam Phillip's Memphis Recording Service neon sign at the Rock'n'Soul Museum in Memphis
stevesobczuk: Custom eight track audio mixing console from Ardent Studio's Memphis
stevesobczuk: Eight track record from Ardent Studios. Memphis
stevesobczuk: Charles 'Skip' Pitt's Maestro Boomerang wah wah guitar pedal used on the Theme From Shaft by Isaac Hayes
stevesobczuk: Elvis Presley's jump suit stage costume at the Rock n Soul Museum, Memphis
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stevesobczuk: Jerry Lee Lewis' Nudie Suit on display at the Rock n Soul museum in Memphis.
stevesobczuk: The mixing console, reel to reel tape recorder and playback speaker/monitor of Sam Phillp's Sun Studio's
stevesobczuk: Original neon sign for Poplar Records store in Memphis
stevesobczuk: Original mixing console of Sam Phillips' Sun Studios, Memphis
stevesobczuk: 1950's reel to reel tape recorder from Sam Phillip's Sun Studios, Memphis
stevesobczuk: 1950's Wurlitzer jukebox
stevesobczuk: One track mono portable 1950's reel to reel tape recorder from WHER radio Memphis
stevesobczuk: Picture of the all female announce staff of Sam Phillip's 1430 WHER radio station and original audio console, Memphis
stevesobczuk: Radio mixing console for Sam Phillips WHER station
stevesobczuk: Teen Town display for WDIA Memphis
stevesobczuk: 1070 WDIA display and memorablia. Memphis
stevesobczuk: Bright red disc jockey's jacket from WHBQ 560 radio
stevesobczuk: Top face plate on penny operated weight and fortune machine. Inside Scwab;s on Beale St., memphis