stevescene: The Ghost Trainstation
stevescene: The Railway
stevescene: The Train
stevescene: Highest Convinent Store in Taiwan
stevescene: IMG_9009
stevescene: Beatiful Sunlight
stevescene: Big Tree
stevescene: IMG_9040
stevescene: IMG_9034
stevescene: Deep Green
stevescene: IMG_9020
stevescene: Sun light to the Forest
stevescene: Green
stevescene: 2nd Generation
stevescene: IMG_8989
stevescene: A Wear Out Truck
stevescene: IMG_8967
stevescene: The Railway 2
stevescene: A lonely Tree
stevescene: IMG_8944
stevescene: IMG_8928
stevescene: Sunrise in AliShan
stevescene: Christmas Tree and the Starry Sky
stevescene: Wedding in the Forest
stevescene: IMG_9223
stevescene: IMG_9220
stevescene: IMG_9218
stevescene: IMG_9205
stevescene: IMG_9163