Steve Ricketts: Hong Kong... Victoria Harbour
Steve Ricketts: WMO - Committee for Aeronautical Meteorology (CAeM)
Steve Ricketts: Kent and I enjoying a beer in Kowloon
Steve Ricketts: Hong Kong Jockey Club
Steve Ricketts: Hong Kong Jockey Club
Steve Ricketts: Hong Kong Jockey Club
Steve Ricketts: Dinner in Kowloon
Steve Ricketts: Hong Kong's "Symphony of Lights"
Steve Ricketts: Hong Kong's "Symphony of Lights"
Steve Ricketts: Dinner in Wan Chai
Steve Ricketts: Giant Buddha, Po Lin Monastery
Steve Ricketts: Po Lin Monastery
Steve Ricketts: Po Lin Monastery
Steve Ricketts: Po Lin Monastery
Steve Ricketts: Po Lin Monastery
Steve Ricketts: Po Lin Monastery
Steve Ricketts: Visit to the Hong Kong airport control tower
Steve Ricketts: Visit to the Hong Kong airport area control centre
Steve Ricketts: Deb and Flat Stanley on the Star Ferry
Steve Ricketts: The world famous Peninsula Hotel
Steve Ricketts: The world famous Peninsula Hotel
Steve Ricketts: Steve at dinner
Steve Ricketts: Jumbo Kingdom Floating Restaurant
Steve Ricketts: Jumbo Kingdom Floating Restaurant
Steve Ricketts: Jumbo Kingdom Floating Restaurant