Steve Ricketts: Kieran... the Grade 12 graduate!
Steve Ricketts: Kieran with Becca
Steve Ricketts: Kieran and Becca
Steve Ricketts: Kieran, Becca and Dad
Steve Ricketts: Kieran and Becca
Steve Ricketts: Becca, G'mom (Suzanne) and Mom (Deb)
Steve Ricketts: Kieran and G'Mom
Steve Ricketts: Brendan and Kieran
Steve Ricketts: Brendan, Megan and Kieran
Steve Ricketts: Kieran and several of his classmates
Steve Ricketts: Grad night, at the Shaw Conference Centre
Steve Ricketts: Shaw Conference Centre
Steve Ricketts: Brendon, Megan and Kieran
Steve Ricketts: Brendan, Kieran and Jon
Steve Ricketts: The staff of Salisbury High School
Steve Ricketts: The staff of Salisbury High
Steve Ricketts: Brendan receives his diploma
Steve Ricketts: Kieran... before and after
Steve Ricketts: Kieran receives his diploma
Steve Ricketts: Kieran, the proud graduate!
Steve Ricketts: Kieran and Mom
Steve Ricketts: Dad and Kieran
Steve Ricketts: G'Mom and Kieran