Steveox55: Andy Thomas passes out to the wing
Steveox55: Bobby Doyle gives Pompey the lead from the penalty spot #1
Steveox55: Bobby Doyle gives Pompey the lead from the penalty spot #2
Steveox55: Bobby Doyle gives Pompey the lead from the penalty spot #3
Steveox55: Dave Fogg clears past Alan Biley
Steveox55: Dave Linney
Steveox55: Dave Thomas
Steveox55: Fans #1
Steveox55: Fans #2
Steveox55: Fans #3
Steveox55: Fans #4
Steveox55: Fans #5
Steveox55: Gary Barnett turns past a defender
Steveox55: Gary Barnett
Steveox55: Gary Briggs equalizes for United #1
Steveox55: Gary Briggs equalizes for United #2
Steveox55: Gary Briggs equalizes for United #3
Steveox55: Gary Briggs equalizes for United #4
Steveox55: Gary Briggs equalizes for United #5
Steveox55: Kevin Brock dives in to the tackle
Steveox55: Kevin Brock
Steveox55: Malcolm Shotton
Steveox55: Ray Train watches Bobby Doyle
Steveox55: Ray Train
Steveox55: Robert Maxwell gets in with the London Road
Steveox55: Roy Burton saves a shot
Steveox55: Steve Biggins leaps for a high ball
Steveox55: Steve Biggins
Steveox55: Trevor Hebbard #1
Steveox55: Trevor Hebbard #2