Steveox55: A fan draws the 50-50 winning ticket
Steveox55: Cameron Brannagan fires at goal
Steveox55: Cameron Brannagan heads clear
Steveox55: Cameron Brannagan shoots wide #1
Steveox55: Cameron Brannagan shoots wide #2
Steveox55: Cameron Brannagan
Steveox55: Carlos Mendes Gomes gives Fleetwood the lead with an overhead kick #1
Steveox55: Carlos Mendes Gomes gives Fleetwood the lead with an overhead kick #2
Steveox55: Ciaron Brown heads down to Gatlin O'Donkor
Steveox55: Ciaron Brown passes up the line
Steveox55: Djavan Anderson charges forward
Steveox55: Djavan Anderson is challenged by Danny Andrew
Steveox55: Djavan Anderson races forward
Steveox55: Djavan Anderson stretches into a challenge
Steveox55: Elliott Moore brings the ball forward
Steveox55: Elliott Moore heads wide
Steveox55: Elliott Moore is beaten to a high ball
Steveox55: Fans #1
Steveox55: Fans #2
Steveox55: Fans #3
Steveox55: Fans #4
Steveox55: Fans #5
Steveox55: Fans #6
Steveox55: Fans #7
Steveox55: Fans #8
Steveox55: Fleetwood fans
Steveox55: Gatlin O'Donkor #1
Steveox55: Gatlin O'Donkor #2
Steveox55: Gatlin O'Donkor has a shot deflected wide #1
Steveox55: Gatlin O'Donkor has a shot deflected wide #2