steveod2007: Stef&kodak kat
steveod2007: Smile dad.
steveod2007: Ski weekend RUAPEHU
steveod2007: It,sChristmas time
steveod2007: view from the top
steveod2007: Dad that sheep won't smile!
steveod2007: Photographing the photographer
steveod2007: From child to teenager
steveod2007: Sinterklaas arrives in Tauranga
steveod2007: Steff and Flossy dog
steveod2007: Fun with the mutt @Little Waihi
steveod2007: The Hole in the wall
steveod2007: Kodak Gold + EOS-1N
steveod2007: 1D + EF24-70L +550EX speedlite
steveod2007: 1D +24-70L + speedlite 550EX
steveod2007: 1D + 24-70L
steveod2007: 1D+24-70+speedlite
steveod2007: 1D+24-70+speedlite
steveod2007: 1D+24-70+speedlite
steveod2007: 1D +24-70+speedlite
steveod2007: Restoraition of a 1973 Johnson Formula-Ford
steveod2007: Restoraition of a 1973 Johnson Formula-Ford
steveod2007: Restoraition of a 1973 Johnson Formula-Ford
steveod2007: EOS-1n+24-70L+430EX
steveod2007: EOS-1n+24-70L+430EX
steveod2007: EOS-1n+24-70L+430EX
steveod2007: EOS-1n+24-70L+420EX
steveod2007: EOS-1n+24-70L+420EX
steveod2007: EOS-5+EF100 F2.0
steveod2007: EOS-1n+ef70-210usm+550ex