steveod2007: Rolleicord K3D IV
steveod2007: Rolleicord K3D IV 1953-54
steveod2007: Large photo sensors
steveod2007: A collection of film stuff
steveod2007: Weston Master Lightmeters
steveod2007: Rolleicord iv and Ektar100,Rolleinar2
steveod2007: Rolleicord iv and Ektar100
steveod2007: Rolleicord iv and Ektar100
steveod2007: Rolleicord iv and Ektar100
steveod2007: Still waters and fog .Tauranga from the Strand
steveod2007: Tauranga Strand
steveod2007: The fishing fleet
steveod2007: Rolleicord fitted with Rolleigrid
steveod2007: Blue Lake Easter Sunday .Rolleicord IV
steveod2007: Steff relaxes in the sun with Simba dog
steveod2007: Government Gardens Rotorua
steveod2007: Government Gardens Rotorua
steveod2007: Ohinemutu Rotorua
steveod2007: Rolleicord IV Kodak Ektar 100
steveod2007: Rolleicord IV Kodak Ektar 100
steveod2007: Rolleicord IV
steveod2007: Wots on my kitchen table
steveod2007: Family portrait
steveod2007: Family portrait
steveod2007: Of Rolleifix , Rolleikins, Rolleinors and Hammer flashes
steveod2007: Is there a Betty Ford type clinic for camera gear addiction ?
steveod2007: Rolleicord VB
steveod2007: Rollei TLR collection
steveod2007: Rollei stuff
steveod2007: My Rollei collection in their Neveready cases