szwerink: What did you do this time...
szwerink: Mexican home delivery..
szwerink: Mexican transportation...
szwerink: Look into my eyes...
szwerink: True digital nomad..
szwerink: When it's time for a siesta, it's time, no matter where you are..
szwerink: Time to take off..
szwerink: When a butterfly kisses...
szwerink: Spread your wings and...
szwerink: Taxco, sponsored by Volkswagen?
szwerink: 40 years old and never in a hurry..
szwerink: Ancient Puebla, Mexico
szwerink: Too old for bubbles?
szwerink: Falling angel
szwerink: Freeze!
szwerink: 45 years old and still standing..
szwerink: Hello...
szwerink: The end of a hard day at the office..
szwerink: Almost there...
szwerink: Beautiful mexican wedding
szwerink: Some busses are never full
szwerink: A little piece of heaven..
szwerink: Time for boogie!
szwerink: Diner time
szwerink: Freedom...
szwerink: Our new house for the coming year(s)...
szwerink: I AM TETTERO at NDSM
szwerink: When I am older...
szwerink: Could they BE more happy??
szwerink: Sunset