Steven David Johnson: Timber sale, Church Rock area of George Washington National Forest (off of Runion's Creek Road)
Steven David Johnson: A Slimy Salamander that I found near a tree that is slated to be cut in a timber sale in the George Washington National Forest (Runion's Creek Road, Virginia)
Steven David Johnson: Ladyslipper, George Washington National Forest
Steven David Johnson: Fall comes to the George Washington National Forest in Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Red Salamander, George Washington National Forest near Church Rock
Steven David Johnson: Red Salamander, George Washington National Forest near Church Rock
Steven David Johnson: Red Salamander, George Washington National Forest near Church Rock
Steven David Johnson: Spider, Church Rock area of George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Oak Treehopper (Platycotis vitiate) - Olympus TG-4 focus stacking mode
Steven David Johnson: Portrait of a Slimy Salamander, George Washington National Forest near Fulks Run, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Some constellations hide beneath the earth.
Steven David Johnson: Northern Dusky Salamander, George Washington National Forest, near Fulks Run, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Red Salamander, George Washington National Forest near Fulks Run, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Red Salamander, George Washington National Forest near Fulks Run, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Slimy Salamander, George Washington National Forest near Fulks Run, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Black Racer, George Washington National Forest near Fulks Run, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Portrait of a juvenile Green Frog, George Washington National Forest near Fulks Run, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Timber sale area near a salamander stream in the George Washington National Forest (premium Slimy Salamander habitat)
Steven David Johnson: Timber sale area near a salamander stream in the George Washington National Forest (premium Slimy Salamander habitat)
Steven David Johnson: Timber sale area near a salamander stream in the George Washington National Forest (premium Slimy Salamander habitat)
Steven David Johnson: Timber sale area near a salamander stream in the George Washington National Forest (premium Slimy Salamander habitat)
Steven David Johnson: Eastern Box Turtles (detail of female eye)
Steven David Johnson: Portrait of an Eastern Box Turtle
Steven David Johnson: Eastern Box Turtles mating, George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Slimy Salamander, George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Slimy Salamander, George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Slimy Salamander (detail), George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Morphing tadpole, George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Eastern Newt (red eft), George Washington National Forest near Fulks Run, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Red Eft, George Washington National Forest, Virginia