Steven Collis: The Guide hut in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: Back Lane in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: Back Lane in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: Ivy House in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: Houghton Hill in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: Back Lane in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: Back Lane in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: Looking towards Coldstream Corner, Hardongstone, Northampton
Steven Collis: St Edmund's in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: The Hermitage in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: Back Lane in the snow, Hardingstone
Steven Collis: Looking towards Coldstream Corner, Hardongstone, Northampton
Steven Collis: Snow, Market Square, Northampton II
Steven Collis: Running home in the snow, Market Square, Northampton