Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Coldstream Lane
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, The High Street
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, St Edmund's Churchyard
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, St Edmund's Church
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Blue Barns Farm
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013,
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, The Sun
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, The Green
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, The Green
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, The Green
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Back Lane
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Back Lane
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Back Lane
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Back Lane
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Footpath
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, The Hermitage
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Back Lane
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Old School
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Old School
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, St. Edmund's Church
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, St. Edmund's Church
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, St. Edmund's Church
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, 6
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, The Crown
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Coldstream Corner
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Homestead Farm
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Hervey House
Steven Collis: Hardingstone in the snow, January 18 2013, Coldstream Lane