m0r4c0: Taylor
m0r4c0: August
m0r4c0: Likely a SCAD student.
m0r4c0: Dissapointed that she wasn't going to be on a magazine.
m0r4c0: Equally crestfallen husband.
m0r4c0: AWESOME MAN.
m0r4c0: Cute Couple - Part 1/2
m0r4c0: Cute Couple - Part 2/2
m0r4c0: Fellow Canon 7D owner
m0r4c0: Lensless polkadotted girl!
m0r4c0: Mr T
m0r4c0: Sweet Tea
m0r4c0: Cute Couple Redux
m0r4c0: Mr. Tee
m0r4c0: Just off Broughton St.
m0r4c0: Cycling Autobots fan
m0r4c0: SCAD Seh-cur-itee.
m0r4c0: Injured individual!
m0r4c0: Taking care of business
m0r4c0: Hipster girl
m0r4c0: Business Man
m0r4c0: Civic Center Sitter
m0r4c0: Officer Carl
m0r4c0: The Award Recipient
m0r4c0: The Boyfriend
m0r4c0: The Hat-wearer
m0r4c0: The Apathetic College Student
m0r4c0: The Excited Tourist