godoftosh: SMETS08 BAPG
godoftosh: SMETS08 BALP
godoftosh: Park Guell arrival
godoftosh: IMG_0715
godoftosh: Gaudi spire
godoftosh: IMG_0717
godoftosh: Lovely head
godoftosh: IMG_0723
godoftosh: IMG_0733
godoftosh: Life is Guell
godoftosh: IMG_0744
godoftosh: IMG_0745
godoftosh: IMG_0748
godoftosh: trambaix
godoftosh: IMG_7115
godoftosh: suzy and joe
godoftosh: Victorian Hip-Hop Sensation
godoftosh: mgmt
godoftosh: mgmt
godoftosh: time to pretend
godoftosh: IMG_7145
godoftosh: bar fanny
godoftosh: barcadub
godoftosh: bar de la musica
godoftosh: catalan pot
godoftosh: torre agblur
godoftosh: are they not men?
godoftosh: portishead
godoftosh: portishead
godoftosh: machinegun