stevelewalready: Yours truly, J. W. Buel
stevelewalready: The sea and its wonders
stevelewalready: Illustrating the solar-lunar tides.
stevelewalready: Tidal inundation of the Danish coast
stevelewalready: Fishes of the Silurian age.
stevelewalready: Early man contending with the plesiosaurus
stevelewalready: Neptune's cup
stevelewalready: The flying Pterodactal
stevelewalready: The Teleosaurs
stevelewalready: The Protostege, or great turtle
stevelewalready: Combat between the Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus
stevelewalready: Monsters of the Kansas Plains in their last struggles
stevelewalready: Crab lifting a goat
stevelewalready: The Japanese, or spider crab.
stevelewalready: Cocoanut-eating crabs
stevelewalready: Birth of the coral worm
stevelewalready: Architectural wonders of the coral worm
stevelewalready: Fatal adventure with an octopus
stevelewalready: The Nautilus in three positions
stevelewalready: The Kraken sinking a ship
stevelewalready: A giant rock squid
stevelewalready: The great cuttle-fish as seen from the ship Alecto
stevelewalready: Magnus' sea-serpent- from a drawing in the Sixteenth Century
stevelewalready: Battle with the octopus
stevelewalready: The sea-serpent of ancient legend
stevelewalready: Attack on the great cuttle-fish
stevelewalready: Sea-serpent of Hans Egidius
stevelewalready: Romans watching the expiring throes of a red mullet
stevelewalready: The beautiful and curious